I'd another realization...

Kinja'd!!! "K-Roll-PorscheTamer" (k-roll390)
05/09/2017 at 23:56 • Filed to: Rant

Kinja'd!!!4 Kinja'd!!! 58

Real People (the majority/87%) are self-serving, shitty, self-centered fickle farts who don’t give a cat’s ass about you I guess. People truly are the worst thing about this planet. ( But Oppo is alright )

Why have I come to this conclusion? Because I might be butthurt about an incident today where a friend who I rarely see maybe once a year said she’d maybe see me after work...after lunch....... and seeing her cousins......and after going on a date......... Mind you, this was at 11:30am this was all said, I got off work at 4pm, and no word or response whilst I’m waiting at my house with nothing to do because I thought it to be rude to do other things when you’ve set plans in motion with someone else. It’s not difficult to send a text at any time of the day and no one is that busy to where they can’t spare 10 seconds unless they’re a damn CEO. And shes’s a damn repeat offender of this and every time I forgive and forgive. Never again with her or anyone else...She gets one more and then she can go screw for all I care.

Am I not worth the effort in making plans with? Am I not worth the common courtesy of being notified of cancelled plans? I mean I didn’t think I was that worthless (I’m not BTW).


I don’t care for people as much as I thought I did or should anymore I feel, or I’m steadily loosing the faith/hope I had in humanity for the simplest things. Fool me once, shame on them. fool me twice, shame on me, my patience., and forgiveness. Shame me thrice, and I won’t be forgiving again, and I’ll make it so you never wrong me or waste my time again. They can all go somewhere and I won’t care. Stand me up, ignore my texts and messages, bail on me, lack common courtesy, only care about me when I’m at my worst and broken never again to help me pick up the pieces in a world where we have devices in our pockets that allow us to contact the other side of the damn country or even world in seconds, frak that shat. I’m tired of being taken for granted, putting in more effort than I get out of friendships/“relationships”, being walked on and my forgiveness abused. If people actually wanted me around, they’d actually go out of their way to make it so; not me trying to make it so every damn time.


These are great people here, cars and their owners in the picture who care about me and appreciate me,

I guess cars and inanimate objects truly are better than people. Seriously, prove me wrong that cars aren’t better than people. I’m beginning to question the whole point of friendships and relationships, all beginning to seem worthless to me; making new ones that is, and relationships are nothing more thanan enhanced friendship with a physical/sexual aspect to it. I like the real ones I have right now, but most of them are all online based. It’s damn near impossible to do the same in person and it’s beginning to seem worthless. Doesn’t bode well for the future. Maybe that’s why I spend so much time here than I do socializing at gatherings and whatnot, because real people suck.

I find myself hating this world a bit more every day. BUT, It could be worse I guess. It could always be worse. :/


Kinja'd!!! CB > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:02


I guess it depends on the friends. I have people I rarely talk to who are better friends than people I was close friends with for years. Such is how it goes.

Relationships/friendships as a whole are complex and a pain in the arse sometimes.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > CB
05/10/2017 at 00:04


I don’t even know what it is I have honestly. All I know is that starting now, there’s gonna be cutoffs for those who wrong me or make me waste my time or worse. I think I’m done on the forgiveness for a time.

Kinja'd!!! CB > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:08


I’ve had two of my closest friends cut me out in the past year, due to perceived slights or because the relationships were toxic, whatever. Sometimes you need to trim out the bad to make room for more good. Plus, it’s better for your mental health when you have friends you can count on.

Kinja'd!!! Honeybunchesofgoats > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:08


I few months ago, I fell out with my dearest friends I’ve ever had. We were friends for years and years, but they took the first step towards fucking that up and I sort of realized that I liked life more without them in it.

Kinja'd!!! wafflesnfalafel > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:09


whoa - disagree with you there. There are absolutely a some terrible folks - but the average person, if given the chance, will typically choose good. Is everybody a bit self centered, sure - sh!t, even mother Teresa had her moments, right? And 15% of the folks you meet everyday are having a terrible day and so aren’t going to be in a position to be all rainbows and unicorns. I think it helps to expect people to be good but prepare for a negative reaction to mitigate the downside.

Kinja'd!!! Honeybunchesofgoats > wafflesnfalafel
05/10/2017 at 00:17


I like this sentiment even though I just posted something opposed to it. It’s a sentiment that makes me happy.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Honeybunchesofgoats
05/10/2017 at 00:17


Most people who I’ve let in close and personal with my life, it always ends badly and it torments me because it didn’t have to be this way. I don’t know who or what caused it to go to hell, but it just seems the closer people get to me or I them the worse things get, Or more complicated and stressful.

Kinja'd!!! Bman76 (hates WS6 hoods, is on his phone and has 4 burners now) > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:18


One of my best friends (I’m a groomsman in his upcoming wedding) is super flaky. He’s always been that way, so I always invite him to hang out and if he shows that’s great. If he doesn’t, that’s no insult to me personally, it’s just how he is.

Hanlon’s razor:

“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”


“Don’t assume bad intentions over neglect and misunderstanding.”

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > wafflesnfalafel
05/10/2017 at 00:20


I give too many chances though and it can’t ever be that every day is a bad day. I can hardly do things for myself out of selfishness because it immediately becomes an internal and moral conflict within me. I don’t want to continue to be let down, so I think it’s better to just always expect the worst and hopefully be surprised, as unlikely as I think that’ll be.

Kinja'd!!! CRider > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:20


The fact that you have shitty friends isn’t a reflection of you, or friends in general. Just those shit friends. Have a rally 924.


Kinja'd!!! Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:22


You better buckle up for adulthood because if you think these problems are bad...

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Bman76 (hates WS6 hoods, is on his phone and has 4 burners now)
05/10/2017 at 00:22


So you just live with it?? That’s done nothing good for me. I don’t assume bad intentions, I just know it’s rude, insensitive and can easily be avoided as if pushing the Staples “EASY” Button. And yet....Nothing.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo
05/10/2017 at 00:23


IF I make it that far...

Kinja'd!!! AestheticsInMotion > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:25


This may not be what you want to hear... But don’t be afraid to cut people out of your life. The happiness gained by removing negative relationships of all sorts is hard to explain, but it can really do wonders.

After a very shitty childhood, I moved out from home, cut ties with 90% of my family, started a business and never looked back. Second (or third, or fourth, etc.) chances are great and all, but being in a “friendship” where you are the friend, and they don’t value your time, or you as a person is not a good situation. Look back on the last few times you’ve interacted with this person? Are you two actually friends, or do you just not want to see someone leave your life?  

Kinja'd!!! Honeybunchesofgoats > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:25


That friend I mentioned? We fell out because I told her she couldn’t hail a cab on New Years. That was it. That innocuous. That was enough to end a friendship of over a decade

I think that’s what life is about. Eventually you end up with people whose shit you put up who will put up with you.

Kinja'd!!! Highlander-Datsuns are Forever > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:28


This is why I put my trust in dog, he doesn’t judge or dissapoint me too much. Behavior is predictable and likes being petted.


Kinja'd!!! Bman76 (hates WS6 hoods, is on his phone and has 4 burners now) > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:31


Yep, it’s annoying, but it’s just part of who he is. I enjoy hanging out with him when I can, and don’t consider it as a slight if he doesn’t show. I’ve learned to invite him along with several others so his absence is less obvious (or the group can “remind him”, lol).

Kinja'd!!! Textured Soy Protein > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:41


I’m a natural introvert and alternate between “people are inherently decent creatures, I love people,” and “everyone is a fucking asshole, get the fuck out of my face with your bullshit you worthless motherfuckers, the only good people are my wife and my cats.”

Perfect example: last night I was at the gym, finishing up my last set of barbell lunges before I was planning to hit deadlifts. There’s a deadlift platform like this in front of one of the mirrored walls:


Only problem is, most people don’t know that it’s a deadlift platform and instead think it’s some kind of permanent yoga mat. Because my gym doesn’t have the board that goes in the middle of the deadlift platform, like such:


That dude is intense with his front squats.

If there was that board in the middle, people would probably be like, “hmm well that wood thingie is not a yoga mat,” but without it, they’re like, “oh hey, a nice soft rubber area for me to do not-deadlift-things on!”

So right as I start my last set of lunges before deadlifts, this obviously gym-noob lady wanders over there holding a clipboard with a workout plan on it, and very slowly tries to do assorted body weight not-quite-yoga exercises.

Part of me was thinking,


The other part of me thought,

Hey, she doesn’t know any better, it’s something cushion-y looking in front of a mirror, and it’s not like I was in the act of carrying a barbell over there so she had no way of knowing that I was going to do deadlifts. She’s probably just trying to make baby steps to get in shape and the last thing she needs is some sweaty gym rat being a dick telling her to get out of the deadlift platform. What if she totally gives up exercising? That’d suck.

So I just did my deadlifts in the squat rack, which is normally a douchebag move, but nobody was around to use that squat rack anyway.

She was of course none the wiser about my inner rage and went about her random body weight exercises, perhaps feeling a little better about herself that she had made the effort to get a workout plan from a trainer and was able to complete it.

So the question you have to ask yourself is: are you going to tell the gym noob lady to get the fuck off your deadlift platform, or are you going to just find somewhere else to deadlift and leave her be?

Metaphorically speaking, of course.

Kinja'd!!! Toby F., Manager > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 00:42


I can relate. All friendships I held from as early as elementary upward to 12th grade seemed like they ceased almost immediately upon graduation — messages, calls, and plans going unanswered or experiencing flaking out with the many “friends” I had. And as a result, and for some time, I felt betrayed, bitter, and alone. It took many years for me to accept, and reopen myself to others and to the idea of forming friendships. It’s a bumpy process of accepting, appreciating, learning, and growing, but please never stop, never settle. Also, during this last year of my college career, I’ve made and met more friends with better qualities, my confidence grown, and myself being more opena and happy. I’m sure I’ll drift from many of the friends I’ve made again — upon graduating in a few days, but I’ll take what I’ve learned and keep formulating stronger bonds and cherish those that do stick around.

Ps: don’t be like me and not make friends until your senior year of college. Be open, say hello, challenge yourself and be the true you. :)

Kinja'd!!! DipodomysDeserti > wafflesnfalafel
05/10/2017 at 00:51


If the average person usually chooses to do “good” the world would be a much different place than it is. Events like the Holocaust have shown us time and time again that most people do not in fact choose to do good. People rising above are the exceptions that get noticed. Violence and exploitation are the norm for most. As first world citizens our exploitative actions are hidden from us.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > CB
05/10/2017 at 00:59


I’ve cut out two or three early this year, with only one being mutual cutoff to an extent. I don’t have many in person that can help mentally or be there for me. Most are too busy or far away try as they might. I have locally close friends for that so I’m really on my own. And I can’t really make new ones.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Bman76 (hates WS6 hoods, is on his phone and has 4 burners now)
05/10/2017 at 01:01


But it’s a part that could easily be fixed or changed by negative reinforcement. Have you not tried to do anything about it?

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Honeybunchesofgoats
05/10/2017 at 01:03


Wow...I don’t like the sound of “eventually” either. It either does or doesn’t happen. And if it doesn’t happen, then what.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Textured Soy Protein
05/10/2017 at 01:06


So am I gonna tell my friend to fuck off with her shit that frustrates me, or let it remain is what you’re saying? But your alternating introvert behavior is me and internal conflict and conversation pretty much.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > AestheticsInMotion
05/10/2017 at 01:09


I’ve hated losing people my whole life. Every loss is devastating to me. What could’ve been, what ifs, my head isn’t short on any of those and it’s awful. Especially in instances where I see these individuals as one of a kind that I’ll never see again. If it’s a mutual cutoff I’m fine with it; but if it’s one sided it doesn’t matter whose doing the cutting because I still feel something bad.

I like to think we’re friends. She has been there early mornings and late nights when ive been at my worst over the phone so it’s usually special to me when she’s in town for a couple weeks.

Kinja'd!!! themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 01:10


Hell, I *DATE* a girl who is like this. And while Bman is right, I also think he simplifies it a bit. You learn how to have proper boundaries. And you have to be clear and tell them on occasion “No, I’m not reserving a spot for you for (insert event here) because you keep flaking at the last second” and if they keep up that kind of behavior, well......It’s kinda obvious whose fault it is.

I’ll also hand out a helpful tip for dealing with situations where something happens and in your head you think “This person did (A) which means they must think (B) about me”. If you decide this person is worth a conversation with, use the phrase “The story in my head is.....”. So in this case, if it was me, it’d read something like “Hey, just wanted to let you know I was confused by your interest in hanging out yesterday. I couldn’t quite tell if you really wanted to see me or not. The story in my head is you were just trying to be polite but didn’t really want to hang out. Is this correct?”. Then give them a chance to confirm or deny the story. And if they try to invalidate your viewpoint by pretending it didn’t happen that way, well then you probably have your answer anyways....

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Highlander-Datsuns are Forever
05/10/2017 at 01:11


I can’t have pets...Non time, allergies, and living at home.

Kinja'd!!! Honeybunchesofgoats > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 01:12


Well, I’m the last person who should ever give life advice, but I’m a strong advocate of “not giving a fuck.” Life tends to be better if you’re just like “well, fuck that person.” The important thing is that you don’t just close yourself off to others.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Toby F., Manager
05/10/2017 at 01:15


I still have a few friends who I’ve had since as far back as kindergarten. Not close friends but friends who I can have a good time with though not as often as I wish I could. I just cannot make close friends. I’m not good at being open because I fear and hate rejection. And what’s more is most of my friends on campus will be graduating college and doing other things and I’ll have no one on campus that I’m comfortable with.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Honeybunchesofgoats
05/10/2017 at 01:18


But I was raised to care about everything and anything. It leads to many mental Burnouts, and as much as I could use a reprieve that not giving fucks would give me, I’m too considerate and sensitive to everyone’s feelings to not care. It sucks.

Kinja'd!!! Textured Soy Protein > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 01:21


Well in your case, what’s the benefit of calling her out on it? 

This is a person who you see once a year and they blew you off. It’s not a judgement of you as a person, they’re just not very committed to making the effort to hang out with you. That’s on them.

You can either say, “HEY WTF MAN THAT’S NOT COOL I DON’T APPRECIATE IT ONE BIT,” or you can move on and not worry about it. While it may on some level be satisfying to express that you feel wronged, all you’re going to do is get yourself more worked up.

No point in devoting mental energy to that kind of negativity when it’s much easier to not engage. You say you see her once a year? Do you talk/text/correspond in some other way?

It seems like the relationship is already at such a low level that it’s not worth inevitably getting yourself worked up over it.

Kinja'd!!! ptak appreciates old racecars > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 01:26


I think I can relate to you here, Mr./Mrs. Porschetamer

Although I haven’t had friends I meet in person since I was 8, I am very bad at making friends in person and I am very introverted, except when I overstep out of sheer lack of social experience. I’ve wasted the period in my life where I can make friends easily and I’m scared I may never be close friends with anyone.

If you see any potential solutions and you’re scared to do them, do them anyway is all I can say.

Any chance you go to Linn-Benton Community College? hahaha

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Textured Soy Protein
05/10/2017 at 01:32


Short term make me feel better, long term regret it. I guess it’ll pass if I don’t call her out on it. But then it’ll keep happening no? We usually text or message at least once every month or so

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > ptak appreciates old racecars
05/10/2017 at 01:35


There’s solutions to everything, it’s the potential unknowns and risks that scare me.

I’ve also never heard of Linn-Benton College.

Kinja'd!!! Textured Soy Protein > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 01:37


File it away for next time if/when she says something about getting together. But don’t sit around waiting to spring it on her that she fucked up last time. Different people are better or worse at different things. This person is apparently crappy at making plans and following through on them. Knowing this, take it upon yourself that if she suggests getting together, you make sure the plans are better firmed up so it doesn’t happen again. Or if she says “maybe I’ll see you after I do this other thing and this other thing,” suggest an alternate time when she’s less busy. Don’t say something dumb like, “you blew me off last time.”

Kinja'd!!! ptak appreciates old racecars > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 01:39


Same. :I

It’s in Oregon, haha

Kinja'd!!! Bman76 (hates WS6 hoods, is on his phone and has 4 burners now) > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 02:10


I’m not gonna hit him with a rolled up newspaper. He’s my friend, not a fucking puppy.

Kinja'd!!! gmctavish needs more space > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 02:24


I have a friend that I used to hang out with all the time, and had some sort of relationship with at the end of high school. She’s very flakey, and I generally assume she won’t be attending any parties or anything I invite her to, even when she claims to be coming. Every once in a while, she does come, and it’s great to see her.

Everyone does their own thing, and it’s up to you to choose if you’re bothered by how they do their thing, and if so, if you’re gonna bring it up. Basically, choose your battles. I’ve avoided a lot of stress by forcing myself to not take things as personally as I used to.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > Toby F., Manager
05/10/2017 at 05:54


out of all of the people I went to school with (kindergarten through university) I only occasionally see one.

young people get WAY too wrapped up in how many friends they have in school, when chances are after you’re done you all go your separate ways and will probably never see each other again.

Kinja'd!!! TheRealBicycleBuck > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 06:13


Everything has a season. The seasons roll around and things change. It’s how life works. The friends we have in high school mature, make life decisions, and move on. They occasionally pop up again, partly because they are feeling nostalgic about the way things were. Enjoy that time reminiscing and then move on. Don’t make plans with them. Just see them once a year and be glad.

Finding friends as an adult is harder, especially when we have prickly personalities. Finding people with shared interests is the best bet. Before getting married, I had a couple of friends that would hang out, but it was more about the shared activity. I haven’t seen them in years and that’s ok.

I have a couple of close buddies who I touch base with once a year or so. Every time we talk it’s like our last conversation was just the day before. We get caught up, then say goodbye. When I make it to town, we go grab some pizza and hang out for an evening. No commitments, no anger if one of us can’t make it, even if we had plans. Sometimes plans have to change.

Kinja'd!!! Chuckles > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 07:34


You can’t change your friends. If they’re a flake, you can’t change that. You can always move on to other people though. You don’t have to abandon the flake, but you can stop setting aside time for them.

Kinja'd!!! Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 08:05


I’m with you on this... One thing I’ve done is started to never take anything seriously. Give negative answers, whether that be no or fuck off and anything in between, with a grin. Then you get can get a read on them and whether they’re serious or not. Basically if you’re receiving mixed signals, send a few of your own.

It seems to do two things, at least for me. It lets me express myself the way I really want to, largely, without pissing people off. That includes being able to deliver the bad news to people who really need to hear it, rather than just agreeing with them while boiling inside. It also makes it a lot easier to open a conversation or keep one going, because how can you ridicule someone who may not be 100% serious? And if they do... cut them loose. That’s the kind of person who really doesn’t want anything to do with you anyway. And if they don’t want anything to do with you, why should you care what they think or associate with them?

GL dude

Kinja'd!!! Jayhawk Jake > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 08:51


So you’re upset that someone is selfish yet your complaint is that they didn’t make time for YOU specifically? You’re the self centered one in this case, I’m not sure where you get the idea that you’re above someone else. It sounds like she had a pretty busy day, and if you were just sitting around waiting for her why didn’t you try to get in contact and get an update? And if you did, who are you to judge whether or not someone has time to reply to a text? Benefit of the doubt is better than blind hatred and unjustified anger.

I tend to think the vast majority of people are inherently good. No one is perfect, but if you think 87% of people are self serving assholes then I think you’re looking in a mirror and using it to describe the world.

Also, ‘I’d’ is not used that way. Get the fuck outta here with that title, my god. Speak English like a normal fucking person.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 08:55


lol took you a while to realize that lolz.

My view, fuck’em all, work/love/pay bills :]

Kinja'd!!! MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 08:55


Somebody else touched on this, but I’ll lay it out a bit more. If this person does this regularly but you still want to maintain a friendship and not just cut them out of your life then you need to take charge a bit. Instead of having “plans” that revolve around “maybe later sometime today” make a firm plan. All it takes is for you to say, “Why don’t we meet at [coffee shop/restaurant/park] at [time]”. Then it’s either a yes or no from them. And if they still flake out, then it might be time to think about abandoning that relationship.

Kinja'd!!! Chuckles > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 09:05


You’re making a huge assumption when you say that it’s a part that can easily be fixed. You’re talking about a trait that at least partially defines this person. It would be no different than someone telling you “hey, be happy. It’s easy.”

Look, friendships can be tricky. It’s got to be mutual. If you’re always the one trying to make things happen, it starts to feel one sided. They might not value your time together. Better to not invest too much more energy into it. If they want to spend time with you, they will. There’s no need for a dramatic confrontation. If they’ve been there for you in hard times, then they probably do care.

I’ve helped several of my friends through tough times, but it’s important to also spend time together when things are ok. Otherwise, your friend starts to feel more like your therapist, and the next time you call them, they might not be up for a therapy session.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > TheRealBicycleBuck
05/10/2017 at 09:40


So it’s only gonna get harder or worse the older I get....great.

Kinja'd!!! TheRealBicycleBuck > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 09:53


Only if you make it harder. All of the adults I know rarely hang out with people outside their immediate family. When we get together as friends, it’s whole families gathering for a big meal, not just the adults. Most of us are involved with family activities - sports, Scouts, school, etc. A few of us plan to get together over the summer to build r/c planes with our kids. Our kids see each other daily in school, but we see each other every other month or so, usually at school functions. Next weekend it will be at a robotics competition.

The last time I did anything fun with someone outside my family, it was, uh.... well, perhaps it was when I went over to visit one of my friends who is a gunsmith to pick up my shotgun. He did some work for me. That was six months ago. There was a games night with a buddy of mine I’ve known since middle school, but it was with our families, so there were six kids and three adults. I hadn’t seen them in over a year before that.

I guess I would wonder about your age, situation, and most importantly, your expectations. I know some younger people who still try to hang out and drink, but one of them now has a daughter and is already distancing himself from the rest of his buddies. Kids do that to you.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > TheRealBicycleBuck
05/10/2017 at 10:06


It sounds like there’s absolutely no fun and joy to getting older now. It sounds like solitary confinement and work most of the time and family outings (which I do not enjoy) the rest of the time....

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Jayhawk Jake
05/10/2017 at 10:15


Fine, I’m always the fucking asshole for everything wrong in my life. All you ever do is blame me for everything that doesn’t work out for me. I’m below everyone and everyone should walk over me for everything and anything because whatever reason. Even when I try and get in contact I’m still the asshole and when I do nothing I’m the asshole. When I don’t get in people’s way I’m an asshole and when I do I’m an asshole. And when I try to follow up with people I’m an asshole. Everything I do and am to you is an asshole and you’ve never got a good thing to say about me.

All you ever do is criticize and put me and corners and for what? Anything else you wanna critically criticize me for and tell me I’m always wrong about? Do you get pleasure out of it? Does it make you feel better and smarter and more successful about yourself?

Maybe I’m just not cut out for this world.

Kinja'd!!! Jayhawk Jake > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 10:31


Are you serious right now?

I don’t just sit here and pat you on the back for every one of your childish rants about “humanity” and now suddenly I’m the asshole?

Grow up. No one will ever fit the mold of the world you perceive. I am not blaming you for the things that happen to you, I’m blaming you for blowing it out of proportion and taking a simple moment and turning it into this selfish, childish, woe-is-me bullshit rant.

No one is walking over you, you’re just overreacting to nothing. What does this person fucking ‘owe’ you. You’ve just said they’ve been supportive, but fuck them for being busy? If they’re truly blowing you off then fuck it, move on. Life’s too short to spend this much effort whining over one person. You have other friends and you’ll make other friends in the future. You can’t control what other people do but you can control how you handle it and I personally find your reaction in this case to be shallow, selfish, and frankly disgusting. You are basically calling another individual a selfish asshole because they aren’t putting YOU first and bending over backwards to make sure YOUR needs are satisfied.

Quit being such a god damn drama queen. You’re too old to say shit like ‘maybe I’m not cut out for this world’ when a girl blows you off. If she can’t or won’t spend time with you it means you have time for someone else or for yourself. Either go find another date on Tinder or pop in your favorite movie and eat some pizza or some shit, either would be more productive than crying to oppo every time something doesn’t go your way.

Kinja'd!!! TheRealBicycleBuck > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 10:48


Family outings are great when it is you, your kids, and like-minded families doing fun things. Going to visit my in-laws, however, can be a real drag. We make the best of it by planning a family trip to the beach and another to the local water park. Some of the best times I’ve had with my son were scouting campouts. Then there’s trips to the trails to go mountain biking, trips into the swamp to go kayaking, trips to national parks to go camping, etc.

The key here is to focus on doing things other than hanging out at the house or the bar and drinking. When I was still single, I sought out fun things to do. It’s why I have a motorcycle license, I’m a licensed hang-gliding pilot, and I’m a certified SCUBA diver. I also have bikes for mountain biking and road cycling. If you ever want to meet a group of people dedicated to a sport, get into cycling. When I wasn’t so active, I built r/c cars and planes and I got into gaming. I was involved in a gaming league (the original Team Fortress) before e-sports were recognized as a thing.

Church can also be a good place to be. When I was single, there was a singles group that stuck together. We lost members as they got married, but gained new members over time too. I left when I started dating my soon-to-be wife.

Life is what you make of it. If you want to sit around and mope, then that’s what you get. If you want to be happy, you will have to go out and find happiness. Just keep in mind that life is a collection of experiences, not things, and each of them is ephemeral. If you are sitting at home, experiencing the same thing over and over again, you are going to have a hard time finding joy.

Kinja'd!!! TheBimmerGuyWhoNowOwnsAChevy > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 12:25


I relate to this too well, I can’t make plans with anyone because they’re busy, flakey, or make their own plans and “forget” to invite me.

Kinja'd!!! Jake - Has Bad Luck So You Don't Have To > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 12:43


This comes across as fairly self-centered but more than that incredibly naive. Welcome to adulthood. It doesn’t get better. Especially when you talk in some weird fucking mix of Britishisms and American English that makes absolutely no sense. “I’d another realization” the fuck? “Frak that shat”? If you want people to like you or pay attention then the harsh reality is you need to be less of an insufferable weirdo. News flash: “stop caring about what other people think” is a horrible fucking way to live your life. Human nature and social interaction is based on a constant flow of first-impressions and judgement. There’s no such thing as “not judging”. There may be few precious archangels of the world that are able to interact with people without judging them and remain completely impartial but that is not how the majority of the world works. The first step in making other people change their perceptions of you is to change the way you appear to them and others. You aren’t perfect as you are. Stop listening to the apologist idiots that insist this is true. Nobody is perfect but we can all get better. Be more likeable, be more approachable, dress better, speak better, look better. Don’t settle. Fight for constant self-improvement. Don’t lash out against those who criticize but internalize it, absorb it, use it to make yourself a better Karl.

Kinja'd!!! Jake - Has Bad Luck So You Don't Have To > Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo
05/10/2017 at 12:50


If it gets much worse he’ll run out of bandwidth to keep posting about it.

Kinja'd!!! CaptDale - is secretly British > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
05/10/2017 at 13:09


I do agree that for the most part cars are better than gross amount of the populace.

Kinja'd!!! wafflesnfalafel > DipodomysDeserti
05/10/2017 at 18:55


absolutely valid point - but I think that is where fear and self preservation come into play. Not having lived through it I always wondered how the Holocaust could happen - how could all those people let it happen? Right? Well, my MIL is I think a reasonable person, but she is fearful of ISIS people blowing her up. Is it a rational fear? Absolutely not. Does it affect her choices? Absolutely. The key take away is that a few folks can occasionally effectively manipulate a huge population to do horrible things through fear. That is what we need to look out for, (and honestly - I’m not convinced that it is regularly preventable given the relatively regular occurrence of genocide that occurs...)

Kinja'd!!! DipodomysDeserti > wafflesnfalafel
05/10/2017 at 19:39


Exactly. When those base instincts kick in, there’s no telling what could happen.